Watch for termite infestation on your property

Termites are destructive and can cause expensive future repairs. Every homeowner should be very cautious when it comes to termite infestation control. Termite infestation doesn't spread quickly, but it has severe forthcoming effects. To safeguard your home from termites, you must understand how to spot infested areas. Some homeowners don't realize this during its early stages. It is necessary to detect such issues before it leads you to major infestation repairs and future expenses.

Always get your home inspection done by best snagging company dubai before buying a house. You can also get a regular termite inspection done to find the signs of infestation in your house. 

Here are some portents to spot the termite infestation on your property.

Mud Tubes : 

Mud tubes are easily recognisable signs of termite spread in your home. People ignore these signs and wipe off the mud tube. It's crucial to find the root cause and the originating spots, or they might spread in multiple areas of your home. Subterranean termites connect their colonies in the soil underground to their above-ground food sources via mud tubes.These tubes are made from soil and wood combined with termite saliva. They destroy wooden furniture in your house quickly. If your property has any signs of mud tubes, get them cleared by professional services. The mud tube termites are frequently spotted near old wooden frames, low-quality painted walls, and on wooden furniture and cabinets. 

Swarmers Wings on Windows :

A matured termite colony can even produce flies. They are mainly called swarmers. They are termites who can be set off to create multiple uninvited guests in your home. Like all the other insect flies, swarmers are found near bright light, windows, and doors. 

Blocked Doors and Windows:

People love to have wooden furniture as its aesthetic and give your home a classy look. The most common wooden furniture found in homes is doors and windows. Wood has a naturally expanding nature with time. But if you find your doors stuck, don't forget to check the corners. Termites generally attack the corners of doors and windows. Hence, whenever you find your door blocked, don't forget to check the termite infestation. You can confirm infestation through minor holes, wood dust, mold and mud tubings in corners or frames.

Signs of Wall infestation:

Having wooden walls and ceilings in your house, don't forget to check for termite infestation. Termites can weaken the structural integrity of your home if given enough time to multiply. They mainly feed upon wooden doors, walls and windows from the inside out. They have the capability to make your walls hollow if you ignore their presence for a period of time

You can hit your walls with heavy equipment like screwdrivers and hear the wall shattering inside in powder wood. If you spot this happening to your walls, termites are feasting on your walls. 


Finding termite mounds in the house is rare. There are different types of termites. The mound is the one that looks like a soil hill. While there are some termite species internally infecting wooden walls and furniture, finding mounds is a sign of infestation tunnel networks. You can find termite mounds near your parking areas and near walls outside your house. 

Never compromise on quality when you pick furniture for your home. These are some basic things to protect your home from mud tube termites. People who buy furnished homes should get a professional home inspection done before purchasing the house from a property snagging company. Also, don't forget to check for all the termite infestation signs mentioned above. If you come across any signs of infestation, the first thing to do is call a professional specialized in termite treatment. Finally, a regular inspection is the best way to eliminate termite growth in your home. 


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